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id : 916
type : MSc_Thesis
dateandtime : 2019-12-13 09:30:00
duration : 90 min.
Recommended duration for PhD thesis is 90 minutes, for other seminar types, it is 60 minutes. The duration specified here is used to reserve the room.
place : A105
Please check room availability from Room Scheduling page. You must use the same room name as used in the scheduling page if you want to automatically reserve the room.
departmental : yes
title : Learning an Embedding Space for All Modalities
Supervisors field is applicable especially for a Thesis Defense
company : Computer Engineering Dept. Middle East Technical Univ.
country : Turkey
abstract : Thanks to advances in deep learning, striking results have been obtained in translation between different image modalities or spaces; e.g. using Generative Adversarial Networks, one can create a highly realistic colorized image of a black and white image, or daylight version of a nightlight image. However, existing studies generally tackle the problem in pairs and therefore, ignore the common information that are shared across different image modalities. In this thesis, a method that can create an embedding space shared by all different image modalities is proposed. The embedding space is constructed by employing pairs of modalities. Such a modality allows extracting a scene representation that is shared by all image modalities. Once learned, the space allows making zero-shot translations between two modalities for which paired data is not available. Moreover, a new modality can be easily integrated into the model easily, making it scalable.

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